Day 6: 100 Words for 100 Days

So What Now?

I think we often make the mistake of forgetting the innocence of youth. Unfortunately, in the case of the young man we’ve been discussing, that is no more. 

Though his life is forever altered, what happens now? 

Who is responsible for these pivotal years after killing a man?

This incident will be linked to him forever, both on his jacket and in his mind. It will proceed and follow him, but it doesn’t have to define him.

That delicate balance, however, will need to be helmed by someone with the best interest of a 14 year old child in mind.

100 Words for 100 Days is my microblogging endeavor to share thoughts in bite sized portions to spark thought and conversation.


Day 7: 100 Words for 100 Days


Day 5: 100 Words for 100 Days