Day 11: 100 Words for 100 Days

Questions that Need Answers

How were you taught to respond to personal shortcomings? 

Better yet,

Once you accept accountability, what do you do with that acknowledgment?

How do you navigate disappointing yourself or someone you care about?

Is it fair to expect people to be cognizant of your what possibly led to things going astray? What if their form of punishment doesn’t fit what you deem the level of the crime? 

Is it fair to expect that alignment?

These are a few of the questions that float through the mind of someone who was never taught the difference between self reflection and self deprecation. 

More on this tomorrow…

100 Words for 100 Days is my microblogging endeavor to share thoughts in bite sized portions to spark thought and conversation.


Day 12: 100 Words for 100 Days


Day 10: 100 Words for 100 Days