Day 1: 100 Words for 100 Days

It’s Not What You Think

I’d like to do away with the idea of “raising men”.

Truthfully, being a man is not a natural progression or a destination. If I had to attempt a definition, manhood is a thought process derived from experiences from which decisions of all magnitudes are made. 

The results of each decision are neither an indictment or exaltation of one’s overall manhood. It’s the opposite, actually. Once an action is taken, a decision then has to be made surrounding each outcome. 

You see how this can spiral quickly. 

But the thought process is what needs to be cultivated and consistently nurtured. 

More on this tomorrow…

100 Words for 100 Days is my microblogging endeavor to share thoughts in bite sized portions to spark thought and conversation.


Day 2: 100 Words for 100 Days